Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
News Press release

Cancer Research UK and AstraZeneca launch world class functional genomics centre at the Milner Research Labs

Cancer Research UK and AstraZeneca have announced that they are opening a new centre in the Milner Research Labs in Cambridge, dedicated to realising the full potential of functional genomics in the discovery and development of new drugs for patients with cancer. The Milner Research Labs, which will open in March 2019 on the Cambridge …

Press release

Milner Therapeutics Institute announces global therapeutic alliance of 65 organisations

From 6 organisations in 2015 to 65 organisations in 2017, the alliance enables partnerships between pharma, biotech, service providers and academia Cambridge, 3 October 2017 – The Milner Therapeutics Institute at the University of Cambridge announces 65 organisations are now part of their global therapeutic alliance. The alliance includes 7 pharmaceutical companies and 3 Cambridge …

Press release

Milner Therapeutics Institute announces new partnership with Elysium Health

Elysium Health joins major pharmaceutical companies to invest in collaborative research with Cambridge academic scientists through the Milner Therapeutics Consortium Cambridge, 28 March 2017 – The Milner Therapeutics Institute today announces Elysium Health as a partner to the Milner Therapeutics Consortium. Elysium Health has committed significant investment for collaborative projects with academic researchers in Cambridge over the …

Press release

New Partnership with US pharmaceutical company, Pfizer

Press Release Cambridge, 19 January 2017 – The Milner Therapeutics Institute announces Pfizer as a new partner joining the Consortium to develop mutually-beneficial collaborations with Cambridge academics and the Milner Therapeutics Institute. Pfizer joins Astex, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Shionogi, MedImmune and Otsuka in the Milner Therapeutics Consortium Major research investment to work with academic scientists in …