Milner Symposium 2017

Registration for The Milner Therapeutics Symposium is now open!
This Symposium is an opportunity for scientists from academia and industry to discuss the latest academic and clinical research and how it could be applied in the pharma and biotech industry to develop new treatments. It is our key networking event for Milner Therapeutics Institute alliance partners.

Abstract submissions
Academic poster presentations are available at the Symposium. Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words to Please include the following details; institution, poster title, authors, presenter and contact details. Abstract submission deadline Friday 14th September

Non-Affiliated Companies
If you would like to attend the Symposium but your company is not affiliated with the Milner Therapeutics Institute please email before registration.
Confirmed Speakers
Gordon Dougan, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge
Declan Jones, J&J London Innovation Centre
Jane Osborne, MedImmune
Stephen O’Rahilly, Metabolic Research Laboratories, University of Cambridge
Emma Rawlins, Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge
Paul Workman, The Institute of Cancer Research, London

To register, please click here.
