Thank you to the numerous Milner affiliated companies who have been in contact to offer support  to the University and NHS at this time.
Help tackle COVID-19 through research collaborations, by donating equipment or funding research
The University of Cambridge is co-ordinating activities to address COVID-19, including:

  • Establishing research collaborations with other research institutions, industrial and charity partners across key disciplines and activities such as:
    clinical trials, critical care, diagnostics, immunology, infectious diseases, public health, respiratory medicine, vaccines, virology, business risk, data science and modelling, engineering and manufacturing.
  • Co-ordinating the donations of supplies, particularly personal protective equipment, for frontline health staff.
  • Supporting the UK government initiative to manufacture ventilators.

 Read more here about how your company may be able to help.
Cambridge-based volunteers for the 2020 COVID-19 crisis
A Cambridge-wide information gathering exercise is being undertaken (supported by a growing number of Cambridge departments, institutes, companies, organisations etc.) to identify staff with skills that might be of use in COVID-19 research and/or diagnostic testing.
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Funding for Covid-19 research
A number of funding calls have been initiated for researchers and companies working on therapeutics and diagnostics for coronaviruses:
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